MISSOULA — We answer your medical questions every Wednesday on Montana This Morning during Morning Rounds.
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Dr. Kasey Harbine discusses the importance of donating blood to help others during the Jan. 8, 2019 edition of Morning Rounds.
The American Red Cross has more information about National Blood Donor Month on their website, including the following:
National Blood Donor Month has been observed in January since 1970 with the goal of increasing blood and platelet donations during winter – one of the most difficult times of year to collect enough blood products to meet patient needs. During the winter months, inclement weather often results in cancelled blood drives, and seasonal illnesses like the flu may cause some donors to become temporarily unable to donate.
Blood donation appointments can be made by downloading the American Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting redcrossblood.org or calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) to make an appointment or to receive more information. All blood types are needed to ensure a reliable supply for patients.