

Hugh Jackman serves up coffee to unsuspecting fans

Posted 1:20 PM, Jun 28, 2019

This is not your average cup of Joe.

Actor Hugh Jackman served up some coffee to unsuspecting Bostonians and tourists Thursday. Needless to say, they were shocked.

Jackman got in on the fun and posted a video of himself on Twitter handing out coffee to a sea of fans.

Jackman was in town for his “The Man. The Music. The Show.” concert. The star, known for his role as Wolverine in the “X-men” movies, was serving the coffee out of a Laughing Man truck.

The Laughing Man Foundation, which Jackman founded in 2011, is about supporting “coffee farming communities by investing in programs that clear the way to health, growth, and success for coffee farmers and their families,” according to its website.

Jackman took to Twitter earlier this week to post a picture of himself driving the coffee truck.