This week’s One Class at a Time grant winner is Lowell Elementary School Physical Education teacher Marc Cutler.
"I'm going to use it to buy a smaller hoop here at Lowell. We just have a regular-sized hoop so I'm going to buy a smaller hoop so all students can use it as well too,” Cutler said about the $250 grant.

Cutler says he will purchase a basket that will be lower, so kids from kindergarten on up can shoot baskets and enjoy the game. He says the school has needed this for years. It will be mounted on a wall and will be used for P.E. classes, after-school programs, and during recess.
"When there's such a high hoop, it's hard for kindergarten through second, even some third-grade students to make that shot,” Cutler said. “And having a lower hoop will make them feel more successful with our basketball unit."