

Missoula Police looking for new recruits


MISSOULA – The Missoula Police Department will be hosting recruitment testing at Sentinel High School in order to find applicants that fit their requirements.

The event is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 23. Check-in starts at 7:30 a.m.

Recruitment focuses on getting the initial testing phase of the hiring process out of the way.

Recruits will go through a physical and written test to see if they qualify for the job.

MPD says that anyone in decent shape with a high school education should be able to pass both tests.

Once you’ve passed both tests you are placed in a pool of potential hires waiting for the next MPD vacancy.

“Typically we like to have a pool of candidates on hand that we can push through the process when we find ourselves with vacancies. This is one of those times. It’s hard to predict when the next opening will be and too often it’s been before we know it and we are scrambling to fill vacancies,” said MPD Public Information Officer Travis Welsh.

If you are interested in becoming a member of MPD you need to pre-register for the recruitment. You can find all of that information on the MPD website.