KALISPELL - Logan Health will hold their 44th annual A.L.E.R.T. banquet on April 30 to raise funds for advanced life support helicopters and aircraft used on rescue missions, operating 365 days a year on a minute’s notice.
“We can’t wait for a day or two to go get somebody if they’re hurt on a mountain, we gotta go now,” said A.L.E.R.T Advisory Board Chairman Bob Sandman.
A.L.E.R.T. has helped save thousands of lives since its inception in 1975.
“And the main reason it still exists is because of the partnership between Logan Health and the community,” added Sandman.
Sandman said the program has flown more than 19,000 patient flights saving more than 2,000 lives.

“Don't forget the 38 grizzly bear attack victims the helicopters have brought into this hospital, yeah, it’s an amazing program,” said Sandman.
Sandman said the annual banquet helps celebrate the entire A.L.E.R.T. team operating two helicopters and two fixed-wing aircraft during rescue missions across Northwest Montana.
“Eight fixed-wing pilots, five helicopter pilots, couple mechanics, lots of nurses so, it a going program,” added Sandman.
He said having this resource in the Flathead Valley is vital to provide the best care possible for an active, outdoor community.
“People love to come to the valley and live here because we like to recreate but there’s some pretty nasty places that we recreate and it’s very valuable for this community to have this service, if you get hurt, we’re going to come get you and we’re going to do our best to save you." - A.L.E.R.T Advisory Board Chairman Bob Sandman
The A.L.E.R.T. banquet will be held on April 30 at 5:30 p.m. at the Flathead County Fairgrounds Trade Center Building, 265, N Meridian Road, Kalispell.
Tickets can be purchased at the fairgrounds day of the event or in advance online.