MISSOULA – Despite our recent cooler weather, the wildfire danger in Missoula County remains “high.”
Wildland fire officials with the Missoula County Fire Protection Association (MCFPA) met on Monday and decided that we are not out of the woods yet.
While recent days have seen lower temperatures and higher relative humidity, sunny and breezy conditions persist. Large fuels also remain dry, so fire danger indices continue to run in the “high” range.
MCFPA member agencies also decided on Monday to keep outdoor burning by permit closed until further notice in Missoula County.
Fire managers noted that outdoor burning by permit will resume after more rain falls and cool conditions enable that moisture to penetrate larger fuels.
Campfires are allowed in most areas, and hunters and campers are urged to make sure their warming fires are cold to the touch and dead-out before ever being left unattended.