What is your job?
I anchor Montana This Morning and edit and create content for all MTN stations both on-air and online.
When did you start working here?
I started my career at KPAX in May of 2017. I started as a camera operator for Jill and Dennis in the evening.
Where else have you worked?
Before my job at KPAX, I worked as a swim instructor, a sales rep, and an event coordinator while I searched for an opportunity to work as a journalist.
Where did you go to college?
I attended the University of Montana from 2015 until I graduated in May of 2019 with a BA in Journalism.
Where did you grow up?
I was born in Elk Grove, Illinois. I grew up in Beaverton Oregon, and Camas Washington.
What are some of the biggest news stories you have covered or led coverage of?
I’ve covered the Women’s Marches in Missoula, election nights for the past three years and I was a videographer on the night of the shooting that took the lives of Shelley Hayes and ultimately Julie Blanchard.
What is your philosophy on news?
In a world where technology and ethics are constantly evolving transparency remains the single most important thing when it comes to telling stories. If we are open and honest while shedding a light on every corner of our communities then we’re doing our jobs. I studied the role of transparency in media in college and published this article if you’d like to read more. http://www.advancingthestory.com/2018/05/23/pull-back-the-curtain/
What do you love about living here?
Montana stole my heart back in 2013. My dad, uncles, and my grandmother all attended the University of Montana so when it was my turn to pick a college this was the first place I visited. The moment we drove into town and I caught a glimpse of the mountains I was hooked.
I love to hike, fish, and swim and there is no better place for all of those things than Montana.