?WASHINGTON, DC – The Washington Post is reporting that Yellowstone National Park Superintendent Dan Wenk may be reassigned in a major national parks management shakeup.
The Post says Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke plans to send Wenk to Washington DC to the office that supervises the National Capitol Parks Region. The head of the US Park Service Omaha Office, Cameron Sholly, would then take over administration of Yellowstone.
“Dan is an amazing partner. he is a really outstanding leader. he cares deeply about Yellowstone of course, but more than that he’s concerned with the whole ecosystems," Caroline Byrd of the Greater Yellowstone Coalition said.
Byrd says she hopes the reassignment doesn’t happen, but if it does, she says the GYC will move quickly to meet with whoever takes over.
"We would anticipate and we would weigh in to make sure that whoever comes after Dan — if there is a replacement for Dan, if this does come to pass — that they have a deep understanding of the conservation issues that face Yellowstone," Byrd said.
She added It’s vital that whoever steps into the top seat at Yellowstone protect the conservation ethic that created the park. Byrd says key issues include overcrowding, habitat protection in both the park and surrounding areas, and protection of wildlife.