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Montana National Guard responds during attack drill

MT National Guard Attack Training
The 190th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion went through a drill that featured a simulated attack. (MTN News photo)

BILLINGS – Some Montana National Guard members learned the procedure is to run, hide and then fight in the event of a terrorist attack on the U.S. Armed Forces Reserve Center in Billings.

The 190th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion went through a drill on Sunday morning that featured a simulated attack where a woman detonated a suicide vest.

The 190th soldiers are trained to run and hide because their weapons are not with them in the classroom and it was not known if there were other threats.

An improvised explosive device would have killed more if the soldiers tried to help the two injured, who died as part of the simulation.

Guard leaders stressed accountability or accounting for and determining where all 68 in the 190th were after the attack

“It just brings up that ever vigilant, don’t be complacent,” Tom Morgan of the state anti-terrorism office said to the troops. “The big thing right now is see something, say something. So if it doesn’t look right, you guys got all that training.”

“Most important is accountability so that’s the big improve, take away,”  Lt. Col. Chase Ragen said to the soldiers. “The sustain is awesome execution. but now let’s work on closing the loop on accountability. Great exercise. Good job.”

“When you really think about, it’s a pretty scary thought,” said Lt. William Cooper,  190th Commander.  “As unpleasant as it can be, you have to do this kind of training to keep everybody as safe as possible.”

The drill also involved calling 9-1-1.

-David Jay reporting for MTN News