

Popular Stories and Stones event returns to Missoula

Missoula Stones and Stories
Stones and Stories is returning to the Missoula City Cemetery on Sunday. (MTN News file photo)

MISSOULA – The popular Stories and Stones event is returning to Missoula this weekend.

One of Missoula’s oldest cemeteries will offer up an afternoon on Sunday, where volunteers in period costume narrate life stories of well-known individuals from Missoula’s past.

The free event runs from 1:30 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. on Sunday at Missoula City Cemetery and will feature what’s being described as “exciting new twists” on a pair of popular stories.

Wayne Nance was a local boy turned serial murderer and this year, the story will feature Robert ‘Dusty’ Deschamps III who was at the scene of each case, saw all of the evidence and personally questioned those involved in the case — including Nance.

The other featured story this weekend involves Jerry Daniels, a CIA operative who orchestrated the secret air evacuations of thousands of Hmong from Laos.

Daniels died under mysterious circumstances, and conspiracy theories abound. Thirty-five years after his death, local law enforcement have now quietly exhumed the casket of Jerry Daniels.

The Montana State Medical Examiner documented and tested the contents of the casket before returning the casket to its grave. You can find out if the mystery has finally been solved.

Click here to learn more about the Stones and Stories series.