MISSOULA — When streets get slick, the City of Missoula's Public Works Department hits the roads with plows.
"This time of year, we've switched over to winter shifts and we have crews working Sunday night through Friday night, 10 to 10, working around the clock," Deputy Public Works Director for Streets, Brian Hensel shared.
When a winter storm comes through, crews have a specific order for which streets get cleared first.
"The crews will start on our priority system," said Hensel.
Priority ones are the major roads like Brooks, Higgins, and Reserve Street, "All the arterials in town. Those will be plowed, sanded, de-iced first." Hensel detailed.
Hensel says crews can't leave priority one street until they're fully clear. H
"They can go and plow it. Half an hour later it looks like we weren't even there, so they can't leave those ones until they're done. And sometimes that may not happen until the snow stops," Hensel told MTN.
After priority ones come priority twos like Expo Parkway or Prospect Drive.
"Streets with lower traffic volumes, like local collectors or streets that have bus routes or have some grade to them," explained Hensel.
The third category includes residential streets.
"The local streets are handled by our residential shift, which is a group of 5 employees that run pickup plows, and they will go to their assigned areas, and they will plow those local streets," Hensel noted.
Hensel added that some locations, like trailer courts or subdivisions, may have their own private maintenance team.
Click here for an interactive map of the priority sections to view your street.
Anyone with questions can reach out to City of Missoula Public Works and Mobility at 406-552-6769 or visit their website.