MISSOULA - The Lolo National Forest is growing thanks to the addition of 1,040 acres near Lolo Creek.
The land — located just west of Lolo — is described as “high-quality resource lands” and was purchased thanks to help from the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation (RMEF) and landowner Y.T. Timber.
“This most recent acquisition provides yet another important step toward addressing the historical checker-board ownership patterns in this area,” stated Lolo National Forest Supervisor Carolyn Upton.
“We are grateful for the leadership and partnership that the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation has provided throughout this effort, and we look forward to stewarding these new National Forest acres which will provide vital connections for habitat and opportunities for recreational access,” Upton continued.

The property is within -- or adjacent to -- sections of the congressionally designated trail corridors of the Lewis and Clark National Historical Trail and the Nez Perce National Historical Trail, as well as portions of the Lolo Trail National Historical Landmark.
The land acquisition is part of an ongoing effort by the Lolo National Forest “to conserve forest land and streams throughout the Lolo Creek watershed,” a news release states. Over 45,000 acres in the watershed have been acquired since 2010.
The Lolo National Forest hopes to improve recreation access throughout the Highway 12 corridor while also maintaining connected wildlife habitat.