MISSOULA — A Lolo woman has embarked on a mission to raise $10,000 for an organization that supports sexual assault victims.
Barb Jenkins brought the group "Jane Doe No More" — which exists to support victims — to Montana back in 2017.
“To know that they're not alone and that there's healing to be had after something like this happened, and that their voice actually has power. it's been amazing,” Jenkins said. “We see people that come just so completely broken and after being around Jane Doe No More, they don't feel broken."
Barb's story is personal as she was sexually assaulted in Caras Park in October of 2015. Her attacker went to prison for a time but is now free.
Connecting with the National Jane Doe No More saved her and that's inspired her fundraising. The $10,000 goal represents a thousand dollars for every year that's passed since her attack.
“It's my way of giving back because they've been so incredibly good to me and so much a huge part of my healing. Having that community is so monumental,” Jenkins said.
She’s hoping more people will come to learn about the organization. Visit https://www.janedoenomore.org/ to learn more or to contribute to Barb’s cause.