MISSOULA — The Missoula City Council had a brief meeting on Monday night, only lasting 27 minutes, where they unanimously voted on their consent agenda.
Council members approved a resolution for sidewalks and curbs and withdrew themselves from the food policy advisory board.
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The sidewalk resolution — which affects Ward 2 — orders that sidewalks, curbs, gutters and alley approach improvements can be done without the creation of a right-of-way improvement project.
Essentially, property owners can request the city to finance the costs of the improvements.
The city issues municipal bonds at an interest of 0.5%, which is then paid back over a set number of years.
The city also removed itself from the food policy advisory board, a board that promotes healthy food access and nutrition through strong local food systems.
Council members also congratulated the Mayor for her appearance in USA Today.
Council members were also given an update on the state legislature, with House 675 taking center stage.
HB 675 is a bill that would make the city liable for “hyper sexualized” content, like drag shows, which the city states would put Missoula’s Pride parade in jeopardy.