NewsMissoula County


Missoula County commissioners approve levy to go before voters in November

The levy would increase the funding for the maintenance and repair of roads, bridges and trails in Missoula County
Maclay Bridge
and last updated

MISSOULA — Missoula County commissioners on Thursday approved the motion to put a 5-mill levy before the voters in the November election.

The levy would increase the funding for the maintenance and repair of roads, bridges and trails in Missoula County. The measure calls for a $6.75 tax per $100,000 of appraised value.

The funds can only be used for the repair and maintenance of county roads and countywide bridges and trails.

Currently, there is a large deficit in the amount of spending for repairs and maintenance of roads, bridges and trails.

Right now, it's about $600,000 a year spent on these but county officials say they need roughly $4.3 million a year to keep up the maintenance.

In terms of the roads around the county, a 2019-2020 study found that the rough estimated cost for repairing everything that needs to be repaired would be $23.25 million.

For bridges, there are several of concern right now, mainly the Maclay Bridge, Boy Scout Bridge, Glacier Creek Bridge and Sunset Hill Road Bridge.

The spans are going to cost roughly $165 million to replace over 75 years. That comes down to about $2.2 million a year over those 75 years to replace not only the four bridges mentioned but all bridges in the county that have run their lifespan.

Trail maintenance currently spends about $250,000 a year, but the trails plan recommended about $400,000 a year. That cost is only for materials, labor is not factored into the increased spending as that is expected to remain the same.

When opened up to public comment in the meeting, not everyone was in favor. In fact, all the comments that were heard were against approving this levy, but the county commissioners went ahead and decided to put it towards the voters.

All of the funding could only be used for the repair and maintenance of roads, bridges and trails. Neither the state legislature nor local government would be able to overturn this or modify it in any way.

Overall, the five-mill levy looks to increase the funding for roads, bridges and trails maintenance and repairs by about $1.8 million a year.

The county noted that $1.8 million a year does not fulfill the full $4.3 million needed, but they stated that they thought $1.8 million was a more approachable number for voters to approve.