MISSOULA — The Missoula Food Bank and Community Center is preparing for its annual turkey distribution day this weekend.
Executive Director Aaron Brock said they're serving hundreds more families every week than they were just a couple of years ago.
"We raised some money and we bought about 1,400 turkeys, and we've had some walking through our doors, but we definitely need a lot more. This community always steps up, we've had turkeys coming through our doors all day and we need them to keep coming so that we can meet the need for every family that we need."

"It's been a busy year and a half," he continued. And that's keeping the volunteers busy packing meals for Missoula families in need.
"We see the families who had the short-term emergency and the car breaks down, or the kid gets sick. Walking through these doors and getting food that so many generous people have donated is part of how a lot of families make it happen," Brock explained.

Last year the food bank served 2,200 families in one day during the distribution. "We anticipate that'll be the same thing again this year," Brock said. "That's a lot of frozen turkeys heading out the door, and we need more."
People can continue donating for the upcoming holiday through Saturday. Meanwhile, people who still need a turkey for Thanksgiving can pick one up at the offd bank on Wyoming Street between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Sunday.