MISSOULA — The Missoula Symphony will be back in the Dennison Theatre for the first time since the pandemic closed down the nation.
Despite a rise in COVID-19 cases, the symphony is going to be in-person playing their season opener, “Motors, Emperors and Activists” with special guest pianist Jeffery Biegel.
Biegel is happy to be a part of the Missoula Symphony's first show back.
"Two years ago, I performed with the orchestra, when Julia Tai was one of the finalists for the position the music director and the concert went so well, and I guess she set the benchmark for the whole season, and they loved her," Biegel said.
"And what's not to love she's a fabulous musician fabulous conductor and so much fun to work with and we get so much music made, and the audience feels that so when she asked me to come back to do the first concert, as music director," Biegel continued.
Because of his relationship with Julia Tai, he couldn't resist coming back to Missoula.
"I said of course, especially after COVID. Because it's been a very difficult 18 months of being isolated and not being able to share music with people on the stage, everything's been done virtually, so we're back," said Biegel. "It's a pleasure to be back in Missoula too beautiful."
However, the University of Montana's Dennison Theatre is requiring everyone in attendance to wear masks, as it is a requirement from the university.
The group played in Caras Park in August, with new music director, Julia Tai, making her debut. The Missoula Symphony is excited to be back, nonetheless.
“Yeah, it feels great," said Missoula Symphony music director Julia Tai. "We're so excited to be back in the theater. Last year we were proud to present a whole season of online concerts but they're just nothing like life music in the theater.”
The show will have a virtual option for those who do not want to attend in-person. You can head over to the Symphony's website for more details on that option and tickets.