NewsMissoula County


Missoula's Reserve Street alternatives ready for public input

The city is holding another round of public events to review the proposals in early March.
Reserve Street Traffic

MISSOULA — Other than building a multi-million-dollar bypass, transportation officials want your thoughts on improving the safety and function of Reserve Street.

The Missoula Metropolitan Planning Organization and the Montana Department of Transportation are working on an action plan to address a number of issues along the corridor, from Interstate 90 to Brooks Street.

The city completed a community input project in 2021 to collect the desires of area stakeholders. It followed last year by collecting the latest traffic and crash data.

The result now includes a menu of potential alternatives for both the corridor and individual intersections, according to Glenn Ingram, the city's transportation planner.

“In addition to the quantitative crash and traffic data collected throughout this project, we’ve heard from many in the community about Reserve Street,” Ingram said in a statement. “Our goal is to present proposed safety alternatives and hear more from community members regarding what they think will work best."

The city is holding another round of public events to review the proposals in early March.

“Agencies will look for opportunities to implement the Safety Action Plan as funding becomes available. A timeline for funding allocation has not yet been determined, meaning that any approved changes to Reserve Street will take place incrementally,” officials said.

The events will be held on March 4 and March 5 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Hellgate School. Those who cannot make it to the open house can submit Reserve Street feedback at this webpage.