MISSOULA — An old log yard east of Missoula could see a wider range of redevelopment opportunities if the county approves a number of changes to the property.
Among them, the new owner is looking to consolidate various lots within the property and expand two phases into three. The request also includes a name change from the West Bonner Log Yard to Blackfoot Crossing.
“We're at the very beginning stages of this,” said county planner Jennie Dixon. “The subdivision was preliminarily approved in 2023 but has not been filed. The current owner is proposing a number of changes to the property.”
When the county approved the current subdivision in 2023, it included 27 industrial lots and one residential lot in two phases. The property covers roughly 116 acres and once supported the operation of the Stimson lumber mill across the river.
At the time, some residents opposed the industrial subdivision due to a perceived lack of infrastructure. But the new owner is planning a public sewer and water system for future redevelopment and is looking to expand the project into three phases.
As proposed, Dixon said Phase 1 would include the industrial portion of the project while Phase 2 includes working lands. The third phase would include a neighborhood commercial center.
To accommodate the project, the current owner is also requesting to remove several earthen berms that line portions of the property.
“This was the old log yard and those berms have been there for decades,” said project representative Jamie Erbacher with the WGM Group. “The original subdivider had no intention to remove them. But the new owner would like to remove the berms to open this up and not make it an isolated development.”
Erbacher said the project would eventually include housing on the eastern side of the property. The county is expected to hold a public hearing on the proposal on March 13, when more information will be provided.
County staff are still reviewing the requests, they said on Monday.