MISSOULA — While the terrain may change daily at Snowbowl, there's one thing that's stayed the same over the years.
A group of loyal skiers, now in their 70s and 80s, still ripping.
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“I've been skiing for 73 years now. It's part of me," 77-year-old skier Janet Allison told MTN.
If you ride the lift up at Snowbowl on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday, you may see a group of more than 15 senior skiers ranging from their early 70s to late 80s.
They say skiing keeps them young.

“It’s wonderful and we aren't always cheering each other on but we're always enjoying each other's company one way or another," Allison said.
Many like Allison and Juliette Crump took their first turns at Snowbowl.
“Didn't really know how to ski. They took me down Spartan and I was in tears, but I kept doing it with my family and I just kept doing it," 83-year-old Crump explained.

Some members of the group are integral parts of the mountain’s history, like Donna Thomas, who started Snowbowl’s For Women Only program and has taught many Missoulians how to ski.
“It’s close for the first thing, but it's got interesting terrain," Thomas shared.
Many are in pursuit of the perfect ski turn, and to do so, they need to keep their bodies healthy enough to hit the slopes.
“I spin, I bike, and I ski," 80-year-old Paul Loehnen told MTN.
“I run and walk up a trail or up a road daily," Allison stated.
“Well, I think part of it is genetics, but just working out at a gym and gardening in the summer," Thomas said.

“I do lots of exercise in off time and just do the weekday pass, and it's great," Crump shared.
However, 87-year-old Don Murray, the oldest of the bunch, just keeps on skiing, trying to never take a season off.
“I do some stretches, but beyond that, I don't do any workout," Murray stated.

While each of the skiers got into the sport for a different reason, they’re all thankful it brought them together.