MISSOULA — It’s an exciting time at the Missoula Montana Airport right now.
With construction on the new terminal ahead of schedule and under budget — as well as Frontier Airlines adding more flights to the airport — U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg decided to pay a visit on Monday and see what the fuss is all about.
“When we hear a project happening under budget, that means those tax dollars are being more efficiently spent," Secretary Buttigieg said. "And look, even with historic funding levels, we need to get the most out of every penny of those taxpayer dollars because there’s always more demand than we have funding.”

Secretary Buttigieg visited the airport to see firsthand what the funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act is currently doing.
He was impressed by the fact that the new terminal project was going so well, especially as many other projects across the country have begun to go over budget and behind schedule.
The new terminal, which is receiving $58 million from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act, will be completed in 2025 and 2026 and will expand the baggage claim, and rental car area, while also adding two more boarding bridges as well as additional boarding gates.
When asked why a small town like Missoula was receiving funding for a project like this, Secretary Buttigieg emphasized that it was important that everyone benefit from funding sent around the country.
“You know a real focus of ours in this Bipartisan Infrastructure package is to make sure it reaches every community, to a New Yorker and LA, to a place like where I grew up in Indiana, to places like Missoula.”

Secretary Buttigieg secretary was keen to mention that Senator Jon Tester was a huge proponent of getting funding secured for Western Montana and that he and the senator spent a lot of time on the phone going back and forth.
As he wrapped up his tour, Secretary Buttigieg also said he was very impressed by the progress that has been made on the terminal project.
He added he's also excited to see other projects around the region that the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act has funded.