HELENA – The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Veterans Benefits Administration has appointed Michael Crouse to serve as the first Director of the Fort Harrison VA Regional Office.
The appointment marks the establishment of a Director position at the VA Regional Office in Montana. Previously, veterans benefits activities were remotely managed by the Salt Lake City Regional Office.
Crouse will provide executive oversight, leadership, and direction to approximately 100 employees.
According to a news release, the Fort Harrison VA Regional Office is responsible for administering a wide array of benefits in the areas of compensation and vocational rehabilitation and employment to nearly 93,000 Veterans and their families in Montana, providing monetary benefits of more than $31 million annually.
Crouse has served as the Assistant Director of the Salt Lake VA Regional Office since October 2015 and has more than 10 years of leadership experience including his work in Seattle, Washington, and Lincoln, Nebraska, VA Regional Offices.
Crouse is a combat Veteran and served on active duty in the U.S. Army for 23 years.