NewsMontana News


Agency transforming Uptown Butte alley into pedestrian-friendly space


BUTTE – An agency in Butte wants to turn one of its Uptown alleys into a pedestrian-friendly space.

Headwaters RC&D has plans to turn the alleyway that runs between West Park Street and Broadway into a community space to include planters, murals on the walls, and overhead lighting. The hope is it will draw people Uptown.

“We’ve contacted all the business owners and they’re super excited about getting the mural work down. And Butte-Silver Bow, of course, is a huge partner in the fact that they’re going to help us clean up the alley and service the alley, so we’re pretty excited about it,” said Julie Jaksha of Headwaters RD&D.

The alley would be temporarily closed to motorized traffic during the summer months and, if approved by the council, could start by July.

-John Emeigh reporting for MTN News