BUTTE — A controversial plan to locate a new gas station right next to a beloved drive-in movie theater just south of Butte looks like it’s moving forward.
“All five votes are for the motion, which means your application has been approved,” said Zoning Board Chairman David Wing.
With that, the Butte Zoning Board of Adjustments approved a conditional use permit sought by Maverik Inc. to open a gas station next to the Silver Bow Twin Drive-In.
The owners of the drive-in say this could put them out of business.
“It’s not what we were looking for and I believe this proposed gas station would affect us … it would affect us greatly,” said drive-in co-owner Jens Hansen.
During a recent zoning board meeting, more than 60 people packed the chamber and more than a dozen people spoke against the Maverik gas station receiving the permit.
Some said the station would create too much noise and light pollution and ruin people's movie-going experience.
“If it’s not a convenient and pleasurable place to go, if they see lighting, noise pollution, they’re not going back to the drive-in,” said Ramsay resident Jim Ayres.
Several people said the drive-in, which has been operating at its German Gulch Road location since 1977, is too important of a landmark to risk having it shut down.
“I think you guys can save it and 20 years from now when that drive-in’s still going strong, you can look around and say, ‘I was part of a decision that helped save a piece of Americana, a great place for Butte and a great place for our kids,’” said Butte resident Bill Foley.
Drive-in co-owner Alynn Jonart added, “So we have customers who travel from all over, they spend money here, they shop here. We’re an attraction. And I highly doubt you’re ever going to hear somebody say, ‘Let’s go to Silver Bow to go to a gas station.’”
There were only two people who spoke in favor of issuing the gas station a permit.
“We shouldn’t use our nostalgia-filled emotions to bar future development in this county,” said Mark Garff of Butte.
After two hours, zoning board members Bryon Higgins, Stephen Coe, Garrett Craig, John Ries, and David Wing voted in favor of issuing the permit.
Many were disappointed.
“This is not the right transaction. And, please, stop — pardon my language — pimping out our best local features for a fast buck,” said Butte resident Cathy Maloney.