BILLINGS - The price of candy is skyrocketing nationwide this Halloween season, but one Billings shop isn't raising its prices, even though the cost of ingredients continues to raise.
Brockel's Chocolates has been serving Billings sweet treats since 1978, but the sweet scene now comes with a bitter reality as candy costs more to make.
“Everything has increased— sugar, chocolate, cream, butter,” owner Jackie Brockel said recently. “Even the nuts have really skyrocketed and gone up.”
A 10-pound bag of cane sugar is now $2 more expensive for them to buy than just a year ago.
However, the longtime, family-owned Billings business has avoided raising most prices.
“Since we are family, we are taking the cut ourselves instead of passing it down to the customers at this point,” Brockel said.
But those sweet treats this Halloween will still likely cost you more at most retail stores.
Candy prices are up 13% nationwide this Halloween from higher sugar, flour and shipping costs, according to an inflation report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Those spooky prices may change your buying habits when stocking up on candy this season, but Billings resident Tracy Leiker, a longtime Brockel's customer, is grateful the shop is not raising prices.
“I mean, I come in all the time for a box of chocolates, but I thought I'd go with a caramel apple, too,” Leiker said. “They’re just a great family to support.”
The Brockels don't plan on stopping serving the Billings community sweet treats anytime soon, even if the cost to make those treats continue to rise.
“We want everybody to come in and still enjoy chocolates without emptying their pocketbook, as well,” Brockel said.