HELENA — The Lewis and Clark County Sheriff's Office is investigating an officer-involved shooting in Helena.
The incident happened at The Jesters Bar on Saturday night and involved the Helena Police Department.
One man is dead, and an officer is injured.
Sheriff Leo Dutton says it has been decades since the last fatal officer-involved shooting in Helena.

According to the Helena Police Department, officers responded to reports of a man barricaded in the bathroom at Jesters.
A press release said the man swung a knife at responding officers, so they used a taser on him.
He then allegedly stabbed an officer while they were trying to restrain him, which led to officers discharging their duty weapons and killing the man.
The Lewis and Clark County Sheriff's Office and HPD have an agreement to investigate each other's officer-involved shootings for fairness and transparency.

This is the first time the agreement between the Sheriff's Office and HPD is being used.
"Unfortunately, we have to look at it as if it were a crime. We will look at it as 'Was there anything wrong?' We're not looking at policy. We're looking to say, 'Does this meet Montana code annotated?' and what are the circumstances that led up to this," said Sheriff Dutton.
Since the Sheriff's Office is also the office of the coroner, they will also be looking into the cause and manner of death.
Dutton says the investigation could take anywhere between two and six weeks.
You can find a full report on the incident here.