NewsMontana News


Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks to hold public comment meetings around the state

The Commission will make final decisions February 2020
and last updated

Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks is going to be hosting public meetings throughout Montana in order to get comment from the public about upcoming changes.

The meetings will allow public discussion on proposed hunting season dates for the 2020/2021 season and structure changes.

The Great Falls session will be held on January 16th at the Paris Gibson Education Center at 7 p.m.

You can see the full schedule of meetings around the state here .

According to FWP's website there are 17 topics that will be open for comment:

1. 2020/2021 Deer Hunting Seasons and Hunting District Boundaries

2. 2020/2021 Elk Shoulder Seasons

3. 2020/2021 Elk Hunting Seasons & Hunting District Boundaries

4. Third Elk License Implementation

5. 2020/2021 Antelope Hunting Seasons and Hunting District Boundaries

6. 2020/2021 Moose Hunting Seasons and Hunting District Boundaries

7. 2020/2021 Bighorn Sheep Seasons and Hunting District Boundaries

8. 2020/2021 Mountain Goat Seasons and Hunting District Boundaries

9. 2020/2021 Bison Seasons and Hunting District Boundaries

10. 2020/2021 Black Bear Seasons and Hunting District Boundaries

11. 2020/2021 Mountain Lion Seasons and Hunting District Boundaries

12. 2020/2021 Wolf Hunting Seasons and Hunting District Boundaries

13. 2020/2021 Biennial Quota Ranges

14. 2020/2021 Turkey/Upland Game Bird/Migratory Birds Regulations and Quotas

15. 2020/2021 Hunting District Boundaries

16. 2020/2021 Hunting Season Dates

17. 2020/2021 Game Damage/Management Season/Wildlife Health/Chronic Wasting Disease Hunts Quota Authorizations

More information on each topic that will be covered can be found here .

If you are unable to make it to a forum you can leave comment on their website. The comment deadline is Wednesday, January 22, 2020 at 5 p.m.