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Montana veteran honored by national VFW for #StillServing

Military members serve the nation daily, and for most veterans, that service does not stop after the uniform comes off
Eric Dunn
and last updated

HELENA — Military members serve the nation daily, and for most veterans, that service does not stop after the uniform comes off.

"[It's] an intrinsic thought a lot of veterans have to continue serving their communities," said VFW Post 10010 member Eric Dunn. 

On Monday afternoons, you can find him at the VFW Post 10010 collecting items for a donation drive for the Fort Harrison VA Medical Center's pantry.

Taking in items like canned food, deodorant, and clothing, this kind of volunteerism got the attention of the national VFW, which is honoring Dunn for its #StillServing campaign.

Donation table tight shot

"I happened to be the one who picked dates for things or lined up a contact for a community clean-up, but I'm not the one sole guy that does this," Dunn said. "This is an entire post of people that help out."

Dunn has led the VFW National Day of Service at Post 10010 for the last two years. He is an Iraq veteran who served four years in the Marine Corps infantry as a corporal.

Dunn is also a career firefighter for the City of Helena and has been a member of VFW Post 10010 since 2021. 

"I think there is a stigma in the community where too many people see this as a bar, not something that actually gives. To be able to forward that message and let people know that when you do come in and support the VFW, you don't just support the VFW, you support the community at large," said Dunn. 

VFW Floor logo

He says that volunteering alongside people who have had similar experiences to him has helped fill a void in his life since leaving the military. 

"When I left the military, I went through a transition where I was lost for a few years. I didn't know where to give, what to do, what direction to move in," Dunn said. "One thing the VFW likes to do is provide that mission to our veterans."

People in VFW

VFW Post 10010 hopes to make the donation drive a bi-annual event in the spring and fall. When the Post conducted the drive last year, donations were estimated to be worth around $1,200.

You can drop donations for the current drive at VFW Post 10010 until July 29.