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Montana FWP seeks feedback on current Automated License System

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Montana FWP
FWP states the system is now becoming costly to maintain and secure, and it isn’t meeting customers’ need as efficiently as they’d like. (MTN News image)

HELENA – Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks is asking for input on replacing the current Automated License System.

That’s because they’ll soon request permission from the state legislature to replace it. Tuesday in Helena, FWP hosted the first of their multiple public meeting across Montana.

About a dozen people attended the meeting to ask questions and give feedback about the current ALS, which FWP says was developed in the late 1990s.

According to FWP, the system is now becoming costly to maintain and secure, and it isn’t meeting customers’ need as efficiently as they’d like.

FWP spokesman Greg Lemon said they will not know the cost of a new system until they go out for bid, but the original system cost $8 million. He said as funding and the scope of the project become clearer they will be able to focus on a specific number.

The remainder of the public meetings on this topic are happening across the state:

  • Nov. 28th: Region 4 office in Great Falls, 4600 Giant Springs Road
  • Nov. 28th: Region 6 office in Glasgow, 1 Airport Rd (via video conference)
  • Nov. 29th: Region 2 office in Missoula, 3201 Spurgin Road
  • Dec. 4th: Region 3 office in Bozeman, 1400 South 19th
  • Dec. 5th: Region 5 office in Billings, 2300 Lake Elmo Drive
  • Dec. 5th: Region 7 office in Miles City, 352 I-94 Business Loop (via video conference)
  • Dec. 10th: Region 1 office in Kalispell, 490 North Meridian Road

All of the meetings go from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Pizza will be served at 5:30 p.m., except for in Miles City.

-Evelyn Schultz reporting for MTN News