McALLEN TX – It’s a problem with no easy answers — what should be done to secure the US/Mexico border?
President Donald Trump wants a wall and declared a national emergency to try and get it.
MTN’s Russ Riesinger went to the southern border to take a closer look at the issue.
The banks of the Rio Grande are a long ways from Montana, but what’s happening concerns many Montanans.
Our MTN – MSU poll conducted last fall found that 65% of those who responded — both Democrats and Republicans — said that illegal immigration is a serious problem.

Law enforcement officials have also told us time and time again that many of the drugs that plague Montana come from Mexico.
We headed to the border along with Montana US Senator Jon Tester where the Border Patrol stays busy 24/7, apprehending an average of 1,000 people each day.
“The issue at hand does a physical contiguous wall solve the problem that’s the debate,” one landowner told MTN News.
“We’ve got to deal with what’s causing the real problem with this immigration situation. If we don’t get to the root of the problem, we are not going to be successful and allow what we’re trying to do here,” Sen. Tester said.
This week MTN News will be taking a closer look at the situation along the border, which President Trump has declared a national emergency over.
We’ll show you the efforts being made to secure our border and also find out what Sen. Tester thinks after getting a firsthand look at the situation.
-Russ Riesinger reporting for MTN News