

Ravalli Co. awaiting state lab results to confirm reported COVID-19 case

Posted 6:31 PM, May 17, 2020
and last updated 11:42 PM, May 17, 2020

HAMILTON — Local health officials in the Bitterroot are reporting another possible COVID-19 case.

A Ravalli County resident took a 'rapid test' in Missoula that came back positive on May 17.

Officials are now waiting for final confirmation from the state testing lab in Helena.

The patient is a male, between the age of 50-and-60, and is currently in isolation. All other contacts with the patient have been identified and are in quarantine.

Persons exposed are identified as having close contact to the infected person, but as of yet are not showing signs or symptoms, according to local health officials.

Five previous COVID-19 cases have been reported in Ravalli County.