MISSOULA — Hundreds of Missoula Runners gathered at Dornblaser Field for the inaugural City to Sky 50K on Sunday, Oct. 15, 2023.
The ultra marathon offered a lot of obstacles and hills to run through for the runners.
Run Wild Missoula helps put together many races and events for Missoula runners and members of the board of directors — including Justin Grigg — wanted to put together a race that utilized the city’s public lands in the best way possible.

“We kind of took a look at a variety of things we wanted to do in the next few years and putting on an ultra marathon was one of them," Grigg said. "It took us a couple of years to get everything permitted and set up and about a year of work in earnest and here we are today.”
The race was 33 miles long and also had over 8,000 feet of elevation gain throughout the course.
“It’s just the perfect route to have an in-town ultra marathon," said winner Kris Brown. "So I really hope that this becomes kind of a Missoula staple and that’s why I wanted to be here on the first year ‘cause you know maybe I’ll do this for the first 20 years of this race.”
Run Wild Missoula’s next race will be held on Jan. 1, 2023.