

UPDATE: Charlo School classes will resume Wednesday

and last updated

UPDATE: Classes at Charlo School will resume on Wednesday after a breakdown in their heating system left the halls empty on Tuesday.

The heat is working so we are back in the saddle tomorrow! Thanks for your patience.

Posted by Charlo School District 7J on Tuesday, November 13, 2018

CHARLO – Students at Charlo schools have Tuesday off from class after a problem with the school’s heating system.

An issue with the pump at the main fuel tank is preventing fuel from getting to the furnaces that heat the school.

Charlo Superintendent Steve Love says they have multiple people working on the problem and hope to have it fixed by Wednesday.

Parents will be notified if there are any changes via email, Facebookand the school’s website.

Junior high school basketball practice has been canceled but Love says no other afterschool activities are expected to be affected by the outage.