MISSOULA — Saturday is the 2025 Heart Expo inside of Providence St. Patrick Hospital where heart health awareness will be spread.
"Heart health is a number one killer in the nation and it's important that we pay attention to what's going on and get ahead of it before it gets ahead of us," St. Patrick Hospital executive assistant Robin Schmitt, said.
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The event provides the opportunity for those in need to get their bloodwork done at a very inexpensive cost, while also taking part in camaraderie.
The Heart Expo will also connect people with specialists and provide lectures at no cost for everyone to attend and get informed.
“Even if there was a young child that needed to have this type of work as long as their parents are with them, they could come in and have it done," Schmitt said.

No medical insurance cards are necessary to receive treatment and anyone is eligible. Cash and checks are the only form of payment accepted.
The event in the past years has had up to 400 people in attendance. Saturday's Heart Expo takes place from 7 a.m. until 11 a.m. on the first floor of the Broadway Building Conference Center.