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Stranded man dies of hypothermia near Idaho border

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MISSOULA — A 74-year-old man was found dead earlier this week in Lincoln County after his vehicle became stuck in the snow and he attempted to walk out.

The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office received a report on March 23 of a man's body being found on Southside Road near Star Creek, which is west of Troy.

Deputies and detectives responded to the area and found the man approximately three miles from the Montana/Idaho. He was later identified as Timothy Wall of Naples, Idaho.

The initial investigation indicated Wall had possibly died of hypothermia. No signs of foul play were found, according to the Lincoln County Sheriff's Office.

On March 24, law enforcement found Walls' vehicle about two miles from the border with Idaho. It appeared Wall had gotten stuck in deep snow and attempted to walk out.

Members of David Thompson Search and Rescue also assisted with the investigation.