STEVENSVILLE - Yoga is one of the few activities with major benefits for your body and mind that anyone can do.
“There’s no pressure with something like this,” said yoga instructor Jessa Krahn. “You come, relax, you get a good stretch and you get to meet other people that are just like you.”
Krahn — who has been leading yoga sessions for 15 years — now instructs veterans at the American Legion Post 94 in Stevensville on Tuesdays.

“For our veteran's yoga, we want to make sure that everyone leaves feeling very relaxed and much better and lighter than when they walked in,” Krahn said.
Veterans Mary Thomas said ever since she’s started attending the free, weekly class she’s seen benefits like, “flexibility, meeting veterans in the area that you didn't know, having support."
Krahn — who said she practices what she teaches — agrees.

“I started to realize that in my everyday life, I was able to handle stressful situations a little bit better because I would remember to stop and breathe, and I learned that in my yoga class,” Krahn said.
Now more people can reap the benefits of events like these.
“I think the service organizations provide help to vets at all different levels. And sometimes they might be more inclined to use those services if it feels very local,” said veteran and American Legion Post 94 Commander Garrek Doll.

There are national and state programs aimed to help veterans, but Doll says access to community initiatives like these encourages veterans to be more proactive in their well-being.
“I really like the fact that this is available because veterans kind of by default are used to serving others and this is a great opportunity for them to take care of themselves,” Doll said.
Veterans can attend the free yoga classes every Monday from 2 p.m. until 3 p.m. at the Freestone Climbing Center located at 1200 Shakespeare Street in Missoula and every Tuesday from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. in Stevensville at the American Legion Post 94.
For more information on these classes and more, visit the Red Willow Learning Center.