ST. IGNATIUS — The Mission Bulldog Special Olympics team is headed to play bocce ball at the state games in Billings in May.
However, they need a bit of a financial boost to make the trip one the athletes will remember for a lifetime.
"We get to set up and play games and just have the best time of our lives," Mission Bulldogs athlete Nicholas Jones said describing the carnival.
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The Mission Special Olympics team is doing a unique fundraiser to get to the state games.
"The carnival is a way for the kids to help earn the money. They do the setup, they run the games, and it helps them to own their trip because they helped raise the money for the trip," paraprofessional and coach Virginia Dally shared.
Taking 16 kids and three adults across the state doesn't come cheap.
"If I was to guess, about $3,400 just in hotels and we provide our own gas, our own food, we try to make it fun so we'll go sightseeing," coach Diana Girsch told MTN.

However, the coaches say seeing the team compete at the tournament is priceless.
"It does cost a lot of money, but these kids are well worth every penny of it," Girsch noted.
On Saturday, the St. Ignatius High School gym will turn into a costumed celebration on Saturday, March 15, with all sorts of winnable raffle items, many of which were donated by the community.
"Yeah! Get prizes!" Mission Bulldogs athlete Cameron Oliver added.

Plus, the team believes every carnival needs a good clown, so helper Dylan Jungers stepped in to fill the big shoes.
"I'm happy we help other people enjoy their time and we get to enjoy our time, so it's a win-win for everyone," Jungers said.
When the athletes take the bocce ball court in Billings, it'll be an experience they'll never forget.

"It is so heartwarming to see them. I have shed more tears watching these kids excel than I have pretty much anywhere else," explained Dally.
The carnival will be up and running from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday in the St. Ignatius High School gym.