SOMERS — The historic Somers Mansion sitting atop a hill overlooking downtown Somers was originally built in 1903.
Somers native Jasmine Morton and her husband Justin officially became new owners of the mansion in the Fall of 2020 with plans of making it a useable space in the community for years to come.
Jasmine Morton grew up fantasizing about the historic Somers Mansion, hoping one day she could own it. In the Fall of 2020, her dream came true.
“Looking up the hill being in love with it, I think every little girl and boy who grew up here is probably captured by the mansion as well,” Morton tells MTN News.
Click here to view a photo gallery of the historic Somers Mansion
Sitting at 7,900 square feet, the 117-year-old historic Somers Mansion offers a beautiful look into what once was, as new owners dream about what could be.
“We have a ceremony site if you wanted to get married on-site and the mansion will have several suites in it so you can stay, we will either offer those up to wedding folks or as part of a bed and breakfast,” said Morton.
Jasmine and her husband Justin are working hard to bring the Somers Mansion up to code, but admit they’re starting from ground zero.
“We need to run in utilities, we have to bring in water, sewer, electric, all of the things that you would need for a new build but it’s all that much more complicated because we already have the structure here,” said Morton.

Built in 1903, the mansion was originally owned by John O’Brien, who designed and built the town of Somers while operating a lumber mill.
Morton said they recently put a new roof on the mansion but need to wait for a commercial building permit to be approved before renovations can begin on the inside.
“It’s survived remarkably well, it’s in pretty original shape, unfortunately, that also means that we will have to make a lot of updates to bring it up to code.”
With 14 bedrooms and three bathrooms, Morton says the mansion and all its mystery has been the talk of the town for decades, leading to some rumors she hasn’t quite yet verified.

“We’ve heard that at one point it was a brothel, we’ve heard that there are underground tunnels running from the mansion down to the other structures and possibly other places in Somers, there is a direct route above ground to Del’s Bar down the road, which I very much appreciate,” said Morton.
Along with weddings and a bed and breakfast, Morton said she would love to keep the mansion entrenched in the community, providing a space for events and special occasions.
“It’s a part of Somers and I want it to be used by the community, so whatever that need is I’d love for it to be available.”
Morton said there’s no timetable for when the mansion will be fully renovated but she hopes to have some of the property ready for weddings as early as next summer.