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United Way, Missoula Chevrolet bring 800 backpacks to kids in need

More than 800 backpacks full of school supplies are being donated to kids in need in Missoula and Mineral counties
United Way backpacks
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MISSOULA — Many families are checking both the school supplies list and their wallets with back to school just around the corner.

To help, the United Way of Missoula County and Missoula Chevrolet have donated more than 800 backpacks full of supplies to those in need in both Missoula and Mineral County.

"We have a lot of underprivileged kids. It just boosts their ability that want to go to school," shared Mineral County Superintendent Merry Mueller.

Mineral County residents came to pick up hundreds of backpacks on Aug. 19, 2024.

"We don't really get huge donations like this. It really makes a huge impact and [we] were all so thankful because sometimes they just give a few, or just one class, [or] just the high school gets it. But for everyone to have a chance, that's awesome," Mueller told MTN.

"To be able to come in on my days off and help pick up these supplies for our underprivileged folks up in Mineral County and people who are on the harder side of things, it's fulfilling," added Mineral County Undersheriff Wayne Cashman.

Mineral County's packs are part of the 800 the United Way of Missoula County is bringing to kids and families in need this year.

"It allows them to start school on a level playing field with everybody else so that they can have the notebooks, the pens, the papers, everything that the school has said you need to succeed in school without their families having to worry about spending what can be several hundreds of dollars," explained CEO of United Way of Missoula County Susan Hay Patrick.

Not only do the students get new bags but they come full of school supplies courtesy of Missoula Chevrolet.

"They've given us tens of thousands of dollars over the last two years to make this program possible," said Hay Patrick.

Hay Patrick told MTN that to help get kids the items they need, the United Way of Missoula County reaches out to districts.

"We get the school districts' school supply wish list, the things that they want every child to have as they start school, whether it's elementary, middle or high school," detailed Hay Patrick.

In addition to Mineral County, non-profits around Missoula will get some gear too.

"Youth homes picked up, I think about 70 backpacks. Soft Landing Missoula, Missoula Food Bank and Community Center," Hay Patrick shared.

The United Way of Missoula County also brings bags to Missoula's Fire Department so they are prepared for any situation.

"We give some to firefighters to Missoula Fire Department so that in case there's a fire or something terrible happens to a family, the firefighters can have backpacks on the truck to give to a family in need," said Hay Patrick.

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