What is your job?
Multimedia Journalist
When did you start working here?
June 2024
Where else have you worked?
I have been a student for the past 4 years, but have worked at Wells Fargo, Montana Media Lab and some freelance work. This is my first time working in broadcast TV.
Where did you go to college?
Salish Kootenai College and the University of Montana
Where did you grow up?
The Northern Cheyenne and Crow Reservation in southeastern Montana
What are some of the biggest news stories you have covered?
I mainly cover Indigenous stories and try my best to incorporate these stories into broadcast media. One of the biggest stories I have covered is the Tribal Enrollment decline for CSKT Tribes.
What is your philosophy on news?
I believe that news is powerful and necessary and when done right can impact the world.
What do you love about living here?
I love the mountains!
Email: robyn.iron@kpax.com
To send news tip: news@kpax.com