

Weather Forecast: Cooler temperatures for today

Wind Gusts
Today's Highs
Posted 1:58 PM, Sep 08, 2022
and last updated 1:58 PM, Sep 08, 2022

MISSOULA - Wind gusts on Wednesday clocked in around 50 mph for many areas in western Montana.

Several reports from the National Weather Service shared that dust was seen blowing in the air, with small tree limbs down as well.

The wind gusts were not good for current fire conditions, but they did help change some of the air that was stagnant.

Haze from new smoke blown in will continue for today.

Acting as a precursor to a cold front, the gusts should be calmer today, bringing cooler temperatures in the valleys and high elevations.

Most locations will see mid 70's today — a drastic difference from the heat waves across the rocky mountain west.

Cool temperatures will remain until Saturday and Sunday, when another high pressure system will bump up the heat.

A return to more average temperatures is possible next week.