

Weather Forecast: Mountain snow late tonight, then a stretch of pleasant days

Temperatures will remain cool today, but warm up slowly with a nice stretch of sunny weather through Saturday
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MISSOULA — Today will start out with partly cloudy skies, a bit of patchy fog, and frosty temperatures.

Later, a cold front is set to sweep through the Northern Rockies and bring another slight change in weather.

The front was initially looking to cross directly over Montana, but now the track has shifted south.

This shift still means we will get some valley rain showers, the main impacts of this system will be in the high backcountry at the mountain pass level though.

Basically, if you have to travel around areas near Southwest Montana — Lost Trail Pass, Georgetown Lake, etc. — expect some changes by tomorrow morning.

Snow totals do not look to get higher than 1"-to-3" at these high elevations, but it's enough to impact road conditions. Forecast models show that valleys get minimal moisture from this system.

Overall, we could see light rain showers south of I-90 between 5 p.m. and 10 p.m. tonight in valley areas.

Temperatures will remain cool today, but warm up slowly with a nice stretch of sunny weather through Saturday.