

Weather Forecast: Rain/snow mix for valleys today, mountain pass snow

2015 HD 8-14 Day Outlook.png
Posted 1:44 PM, Apr 17, 2024
and last updated 7:33 PM, Apr 17, 2024

MISSOULA — Today is the day where our well-advertised weather change will be felt.

As you prepare to head out the door today, here are a few things to know:

High temperatures today will be chilly! Most valleys are hitting below freezing or right around it this morning, and will only warm up about 15 degrees in the afternoon.

These temperatures will stick with us through Friday. Over the weekend, we may get back to normal levels in the upper 50s.

Precipitation will be the main impact to your Wednesday as low pressure and a cold front pass through the region. The majority of the moisture will remain above I-90 through the early morning, then eventually cross the rest of the region by mid-morning.

With cooler temperatures this morning, light snow fall is expected first, followed by rain later this afternoon when temperatures warm up.

Mountain passes could see a range of 1-4", with more snowfall for Homestake Pass and Lost Trail Pass.

A few scattered showers may carry over into Thursday.

Over the weekend, temperatures should gradually warm up under weak high pressure.