MISSOULA — Find your umbrella and keep it handy this week — spring showers are here!
Over the next several days, Western Montana will receive off-and-on rain/snow showers.
This moisture is much needed as precipitation totals are fairly low for the month so far. Typically, Kalispell picks up 1.11" of precipitation in March, while Missoula picks up 0.92".
Watch the forecast:
As of today, Kalispell has only received 0.01" (0% of normal) and Missoula has 0.23" (25% of normal). Additionally, snow will continue to build in the high elevations and steady the melting snow pack.
Temperatures will remain slightly warmer than average until Friday. This trend means upper 40s for most of the region. Then, Friday will bring temperatures in the low 40s and lowering snow levels.
With warmer temperatures, valley impacts will be minimal until snow levels drop. However, mountain passes like Lookout and Lolo will have more difficult driving conditions.
Watch the 24/7 StormTracker Weather stream below: